Statement on Asiana Airlines Flight 214 Crash San Francisco (SFO)

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of the passengers aboard Asiana Airlines flight 214 which crashed at San Francisco International Airport this past Saturday.

Over 300 people were onboard, including 16 crew members.  Two passengers were killed, 182 were injured and as of this statement, seven remain in critical condition at various Bay Area hospitals.

While we expect to see various news reports in the coming weeks discussing contributing factors that caused this unfortunate crash landing, a thorough and complete investigation by a plaintiff’s aviation law firm should begin immediately. Evidence must be preserved and all potential causes and defendants pursued.

As authorities are on scene conducting their investigation, it is critical that those who have been injured or the families of those killed protect their rights and seek the guidance of an experienced law firm that can help them get through these difficult times.

An aviation law firm will conduct an independent investigation into the causes of the crash parallel to what the NTSB and FAA are doing.  Often times, the NTSB will not reach a conclusion for more than year after the investigation has started.

Claims or any lawsuits against Asiana Airlines will most likely be governed by the Montreal Convention. This limitation will control venue – however, there are other potential defendants including the air traffic controllers, SFO Airport, Boeing and others that could be grounds to get outside of the Montreal Convention. US Residents may be able to file their claims in the U.S.

For Chinese speaking clients, we have Mandarin translators standing by – please call (888) 853-6696.


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