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Simi Valley

A fiery crash in Simi Valley, California, left four people injured and led to one person’s arrest. On Wednesday, June 10th, Manuel Rodriguez III of Oxnard, was arrested by the Simi Valley Police Department on suspicion of DUI causing injury. He would need a drunk driving attorney.   The accident report showed that the suspect was …

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A man facing DUI charges for causing a traffic collision in Simi Valley, California, would require the services of a drunk driving attorney. The tragic multi-vehicle encounter played out on Tuesday night, May 26. The Simi Valley Police Department deployed officers to the scene of a crash, following reports of a traffic collision that left …

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The Simi Valley Police Department is continuing to investigate the crash that killed an officer in the Los Angeles Police Department only a couple hours after midnight on New Year’s. The crash occurred at approximately 2:10 a.m., in Simi Valley, California, when Heather Monroe, 30, was riding in a black Scion being driven by her …

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A Fourth of July fireworks accident injured at least 20 Southern California residents. Thousands of Independence Day celebrants had gathered to watch a professional fireworks display in a park in Simi Valley, 30 miles ouyside of Los Angeles. Before the fireworks show began, fireworks that had already been ignited went flying into the crowd, injuring …

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A teenager was reported critically injured after a single vehicle crash in Simi Valley on the morning of the 5th, around 2 a.m. The 17-year-old was driving a pickup truck and crashed into a wall. No other cars were involved. At the time of the pickup truck accident, the 17-year-old teenager was on Royal Avenue …

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A sleeping baby was fortunately spared in a very dangerous accident in Simi Valley. After a car crashed, it rolled over and continued into a house, where the baby lay to rest in his living room. According to reports, the crash happened at the site of a home on Royal Avenue. When the car penetrated …

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