XTC Cabaret Says That Company Will Not Be Taking Responsibility for Injuries Sustained by Genea Sky

RCI Hospitality Holding, Inc. is the owner of the club XTC Cabaret that has recently been made famous in the news. XTC Cabaret is located in Dallas.

The CEO of RCI Hospitality Holding, Inc., Eric Langan, has issued a statement that the club nor the owners of the club will be held financially responsible in the injuries sustained by one of their dancers.

They will not accept the liability because the dancers create their own acts and are not instructed to climb the poles.

Langan went on to say that the dancer, Genea Sky, is not considered a full-time employee, therefore she is not entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. He did add that they are planning on helping her financially while she recovers.

The accident that caused extensive injuries to Sky occurred over the weekend and since then the video has gone viral. Sky was approximately performing in the club on a pole and had positioned herself approximately 15 feet off the ground. She lost her grip and plummeted to the ground.

Everyone assumed the dancer was okay because she just continued dancing.

She wasn’t okay though. Once the video started circulating, she uncovered that she had broken her jaw, chipped some teeth, and sprained her ankle in the fall. The outpouring of support inspired her.

Because of this, she has decided to keep her fans updated on everything that has happened since the accident. She had to have surgery on her jaw Monday, in order for it to heal correctly, it had to be wired shut.

A friend has set up a GoFundMe account to help the dancer with medical expenses and income while she is off work. There is not an estimate as to how long it will take for her to recuperate from the injuries.

The fundraiser is literally growing by the minute, at last check, the amount was $36,540 of the original $20,000 goal.

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