At about 9:11 a.m., on Monday, February 10th, 44-year-old, Amanda L. Frazier, of Edgewood, Illinois, drove her car off the interstate, resulting in an accident. According to the Illinois State Police, she was the only one involved in the crash and sustained minor injuries.
Frazier was traveling north in her 2007 Chevrolet van. She was on Interstate 57 south of milepost 1-57 when for unknown reasons, she veered off the roadway to the left.
Frazier drove her car up the embankment and didn’t stop until she came to a rest facing southwest. First responders took her to St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital for treatment.
Authorities are still investigating what led to the accident to rule out negligence on the part of the driver. In the meantime, Frazier got cited for improper lane usage.
In the state of Illinois, a ticket for improper lane usage arises from traffic accidents. Some police departments in the state always issue one when several vehicles are involved, after determining who has the most significant liability.
Improper lane usage is generally regarded as a petty offense but with dire consequences. Depending on the circumstances, it can result in a $1000 fine alongside court supervision for a period not exceeding twelve months.
Authorities have therefore advised residents of the state to always check the lanes using side and rear-view mirrors to avoid getting a ticket. Turn signs should be used before switching lanes of travel.
Also, obey all signs that prohibit passing and other lane changes. Follow traffic laws, and the provisions of the Illinois law 625 ILCS 5/11-709.
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