The identity of an airman who lost his life last week after crashing his ATV on the grounds of Moody Air Force Base, in Lanier County, Georgia, has been revealed. Accident reports provided by the Georgia State Patrol, on Sunday, May 10, named the fatal victim as 26-year-old Conner Kendall.
Preliminary reports from the Georgia State Patrol showed that the airman met his end in a field off North Moody Drive on Thursday morning, May 7.
According to the testimony of a resident, the incident may have taken place between 11:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. GSP Trooper Chandler Poore said the resident’s house was close to the accident site, and he reportedly heard the ATV revving just before officers got whiff of the fatal occurrence.
Investigators determined that the victim was driving the four-wheeler through the field when it flipped over and landed on him. Poore said the airman acquired the all-terrain vehicle days before he encountered the tragic accident. The trooper added that Kendall lacked the adequate experience required to operate the vehicle.
Police did not disclose what caused the vehicle to overturn and leave the driver trapped underneath. Emergency responders pronounced him dead shortly after they arrived. The accident reports did not state whether anyone else was present in the ATV at the time of the fatal crash.
Kendal belonged to the 723rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.
Disclaimer: The Accident News article you just read includes information obtained from numerous sources. These sources include, but are not limited to, websites and press releases from law enforcement, the county coroner, fire departments, and other news outlets. While we strive to provide readers with the most accurate information, sometimes the information received is not entirely accurate. For complete details, please refer to an official police report.
The articles published contain sensitive subject matter that may be hard to read by some. We understand that losing a loved one is hard and devastating. Accident News’s decision to share the stories is to help others who may be facing the same situations by providing appropriate resources to the general public.
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